Sunday, August 30, 2009

Photos - Nepal, Tibet & India (May 2009)

Neighbourly Gifts

Time: 7:17pm
Mood: Laughing-kinda-mood
Song of the moment: Lady Gaga - Paparazzi

Hello blogging world! It's been a while! I still have to blog about Jimmy and I's trip to Nepal, Tibet & India and the fact that I've lived up to my New Year's resolution this year and applied for my P.Eng designation :D But that can wait - esp. since I'm still compiling my photos from my trip!

So ever since Jimmy and I have moved into our house, we've noticed we have some rather strange neighbours with behaviour I can't quite understand. Before we had our fence, we noticed our neighbour would leave food outside in their yard. We once found a half eaten sub tossed out into their yard... another time we found they had set out an aluminum tray with food bits. I found this behaviour a little odd considering you usually try to avoid attracting animals onto your property. Unfortunately we were the ones that suffered for this weird behaviour - the food attracted a rabbits and they left a half a grocery bag full of rabbit shit all over our lawn. Poor Jimmy had to pick it all up. It screwed up our grass as well - where the rabbit craps were, we had patches of grass missing. We're still trying to fix the patches!

So after our fence came up we thought the situation would improve. In fact, it has gotten stranger...

A few months ago Jimmy was mowing the lawn when he found something that was just made us scratch our heads. He found a half raw chicken wing. wtf?! And it was near the side of the fence we share with our strange neighbour. Since then, we've found random plastic bags, and just today we found a empty dirty styrofoam container.

So I've decided starting today, I am going to keep track of what ridiculous things I find in my yard courtesy of my neighbour.