Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Bride Has Massive Hair Wig Out

I can only pray this does not happen to me. OMG! hahahahah!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

My First Ebay Purchase

Time: 10:42pm
Mood: Groggy (just got up! hellooo weekend!)
Song of the moment: The Fray - Look After You

I finally made the leap last week and bought not one, not two but THREE items off Ebay. This was my first time buying off Ebay so I'm a little nervous. I'm still a bit nervous because I havn't received my items yet.

All three items I purchased were for the wedding. I ended up purchasing a crinoline (that poofy thing that you wear under your wedding dress to give your dress more poof), hair pins and a necklace/earring set. The hair pins, necklace and earrings match my shoes (the ones I got for $30! haha). I can't wait 'til I get my items - partially because I'm excited in recieving my first Ebay purchases, but mostly because I'm nervous about purchasing stuff over Ebay. eeks :S

Friday, January 19, 2007

Spiders on Drugs

I am freakishly afraid of spiders but I found this absolutely hilarous! Thanks to Rita who managed to convince me to watch it! :)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Being Lazy

Time: 8:00pm
Mood: Disgusted (Jimmy's chopping a chicken right now)
Song of the moment: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow Hey Oh

Jimmy's been looking up receipes for dinner, and he had decided to buy a whole chicken for our next meal. He has no idea how to chop a chicken. Funny enough, I have some idea, but I'm afraid of sharp objects so that keeps me away from using a cleaver. So if you can picture it, Jimmy's holding the cleaver, I'm yelling instructions out to him. It's like we're already married! LoL!

So Jimmy and I were having a discussion the other day about how our laziness drives us to be innovative. This conversation started when I asked Jimmy what his usual routine was when he got into the office. He usually gets in half an hour before the office opens, and what he does is he goes to each classroom and checks the network connetions to make sure they work. He told me he wrote a program that allows him to check the network connetions without having to go to each classroom. I thought that was smart of him, but he said he did it because he's lazy. I think a lot of modern-day innovations are driven into creation because we, as humans, are lazy by nature. I guess you can argue that they make our lives more efficient and that we can do more with all the time we save by using things like cars, electric stoves and cellphones. But regardless of the amount of time it saves, who wants to walk to the grocery store and have to carry all those groceries back home? Who wants to build a fire in order to boil water? Who wants to run across town to talk to a friend?

I don't. Because I'm lazy :)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

A Taste Of Things To Come

Time: 8:38pm
Mood: Happy
Song of the moment: Fatboy Slim - Right Here, Right Now

My parents left for Morocco last night, leaving me behind to take care of the house. Jimmy's planning to stay with me for the next two weeks, so we get to experience how things will be like when we move into our house in 4 months. This is not the first time he's stayed with me for a prolonged peroid of time, so it's not one of those shocking experiences into how your significant other is like when you're around them 24/7 (haha it would be horrible to find out this far into the relationship that the person you will be marrying isn't the type of person you want to live with! LoL!).

My parents have only been gone for about 24hrs and already I've been given a taste of things to come when owning a home. Today Jimmy and I managed to fix a faulty toilet, control a mini-flood in the mud room (the garage water pipe valve is situated in our mud room... I had to turn it on because Jimmy had to hose off my car after we went to visit our lot today, and I forgot to turn it off after he was done. I think the water pressure was too great and it started leaking from the valve in the mud room, thus causing the mini-flood! oops!) and entertain a guest! Jenn came over this afternoon to check out my dress (yes I got it! hooray! Best part is I still absolutely love the dress!!). She ended up staying over for dinner. It was nice to entertain someone in a home that I temporarily own. And it made me realize that this was what it was going to be like when I move into my new home. Make me more excited about it!

Speaking of the home, they got some scaffolding up around our house - which means they're getting ready to brick the house! *yay*!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

8.4 Seconds

Time: 6:13pm
Mood: Exhausted (long day @ work)
Song of the moment: Muse - Starlight

... is how long you have to live if you happened to crash through the CN Tower glass floor.

Chris, Cody and I were bored by the end of the day at work. We were chatting away when all of a sudden we came the topic of how long it would take you to fall from the CN Tower glass floor observation deck. We did some high school physics calculations (took us a while because we all forgot what those equations were) and came up with 8.4 seconds.

That's quite some time. A lot can go through your head in 8.4 seconds. We thought it would go something like this:

0-2 seconds - AHH I'm falling
3 seconds - realize the fact that you're going to die
4-6 seconds - think about all your loved ones
7-8 seconds - "Shit did I leave the oven on?"
8-8.4 seconds - "Uh.." *splat*

HAHA the things we think about @ work...

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Lack Of Sleep

Time: 10:30pm
Mood: Sleepy.... (food coma)
Song of the moment: Muse - Starlight

First weekend of the new year and I'm lacking sleep. For me, the weekend is a time to sleep in and catch up on sleep. This weekend was not one of those.

Friday night I went to a dinner party at Ellen's house (I got to meet her new baby son Ethan. He's so cute!). Jimmy and I were late because the cops were called to the house across the street from him and they blocked off the street so I couldn't go pick him up. It was crazy... apparently there was 4 cop cars there, and some officers had sniper guns pointed at the house as 3 guys were arrested. Eeks!! After the dinner party, I headed out to meet up with another group of high school friends for bubble tea and ended up going to bed around 1:30am.

8:30am - I heard some gnawing noises coming from my window. I look up and it was that damn squirrel again! AGH!! stupid thing! And I think it's the same one that keeps coming back! I have to find some way to scare that thing shitless! My friend Rob suggested I get one of those devices that emit a certain sound frequency that scares them away, but the way he described it was as if it would make the squirrel's head explode! hahaha just the thought of that makes me laugh (so cruel!). The whole night I just kept thinking about this little squirrel crawling towards my window.. then suddenly the head starts to shake violently, then it explodes! LoL!

Anyway, so Saturday night I head out for dinner and bubble tea with the Taiwan crew because Victor was flying back to Japan the next day, and I didn't end up getting home until 3am. Believe it or not, I went to the same bubble tea shop I went to on Friday night. This morning, at 10am my sister bangs on my door and tells me we're going out for lunch in half an hour to celebrate her birthday. *grr*

Hm.. time to sleep... zzZZzz

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Time: 10:37pm
Mood: Sleepy...
Song of the moment: Pink - You And Your Hand

Happy New Year people of the blog world :D

I received the first best news of the year! My best friend Rita is engaged!! Her now fiance, Eric, proposed to her at the base of the Eiffel Tower in Paris just before midnight! She called me to tell me the great news (I knew it was going to happen.. Eric had contacted me 3 weeks ago telling me he was going to propose). I am absolutely thrilled for the both of them! Congrats Rita and Eric! *yay*!

My new years came and went without the usual countdown. I spent it with Jimmy, Bashar, Kin and Johny at a bubble tea shop. We didn't exactly know when the new year started, but all the more it was still nice to be celebrating it with friends. Because of the caffeine + sugar content of the bubble tea, I couldn't sleep until 5am...

This morning Jimmy and I woke up around 10am to go dim sum with Char, Sherman, Neilynne, Jay, Steph, Mark, Mike, Cindy and Ron - it was great to start off the year with seeing people I havn't seen in a while! Hopefully I get to see them more often this year :) I then spent the rest of the afternoon putting in the rest of the screws/nails in our new house. I'm glad that over and done with.. my hands were hurting from all that drilling!

*sigh* sucks I have to go to work tomorrow... work ruins everything! LoL!