Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Ups & Downs Of Life

Time: 8:25pm
Mood: Tired
Song of the moment: David Archuleta - Crush

Things have been crazy busy for me lately. Between spending time with family and friends, attending weddings and work, I've had little time for myself. And now that the olympics are on, I have no time for anything! LoL! I love the olympics.... it usually takes over my life for 2 weeks. For instance, this weekend, because Beijing is 12 hours ahead of us, I stayed up until 5:30am just to watch the men's 8 rowing team row for gold (which they did! yessss! haha). I'm such an olympic nut!

So quite a bit has happened over the past month. I'll start with the ups.

Ups: Jimmy and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary! Hooray! The year has definitely flown by. Maybe it's because I spent almost 8 months of it in Detroit? haha! But it's kinda sad now.. I can't refer to us as "newlyweds" anymore :( Work has been really good! I've completely enjoying my job, and I've been told I've exceeded their expectations. That to me is a big compliment! It's been pretty crazy with work lately... so crazy that they're going to hire someone to help me. I'm going to be someone's boss *shock*. I'm a little nervous about being somoneone's boss (**side note... holy crap I just watched the 200m race.. that Bolt guy... CRAZY! he beat everyone by a long shot!).

Downs: And this one is major. My gung gung passed away last month and the news was absolutely heartbreaking for me. He's been in poor health for so long, and realistically I should have been ready for it, but I don't think you can ever prepare yourself for the heartbreak you experience when you get the news. Or maybe I was sort of prepared... I found I've cried less. I remember a few years ago, when even the though of losing my grandfather would leave me crying for days. My uncle suggested making a slideshow that showcased my grandparents - which I helped prepare. Let me tell you... it was such a hard thing to do. I still can't watch that slideshow without bursting into tears.

I miss you gung gung.. more than you'll ever know... but I know one day we will meet again. I love you.....