Sunday, November 26, 2006

I Miss You...

Time: 10:00pm
Mood: Sad... and sleepy
Song of the moment: The Killers - Bones

Today marks the one year anniversary of my grandmother's passing. Since her passing I have thought about her often, and how much I miss her. Today, we lit a candle by her picture that sits on our fireplace mantle. I miss you so much grandma....

On a more joyous note, they've built the first floor to our house!

I can't wait til the second floor goes up (and they cut out those windows... looks kinda strange w/ that one narrow window that looks randomly placed on the side of the house). Jimmy and I took a tour around the first floor of our house. I'm getting all excited now! They only have the floor to our second floor - I took a brief look at it, but was too afraid to walk on it. Funny enough, Jimmy, who's afraid of heights, had no problems with going up and walking around! haha!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Great Sight On A Monday Morning

Time: 6:34pm
Mood: Hungry...
Song of the moment: Beck - Nausea

This is a great sight first thing Monday morning. I wake up, do my usual routine of prepping myself up for work, walk out my front door to see this:

I can't believe there was SNOW on my car. I know it has snowed already.. but not snow that stayed!

On another note - it's Rita's birthday! Happy Birthday Rita!!! :D

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Lessons Learned

Time: 10:48pm
Mood: Sleepy
Song of the moment: The Killers - Bones

This weekend was definitely an educational one. Jimmy and I attended the first 2 out of our 4 marriage classes this weekend. I was actually dreading this, because I had heard it was just going to be couples talking about their experience being married... yadda yadda yadda. I wasn't expecting it to be fun at all.

But surprising enough, it was fun! Our class size is pretty big (there are at least 30 couples in the class), and our instructor is a hoot! He really makes the class fun! So sitting there for 3 hours at a time isn't painful :) But we are learning a lot though, and it brings up certain issues that Jimmy and I have never talked about before. So it got us thinking, and talking. I'm really glad we're taking these classes.. gives us a chance to work out some stuff before we get hitched! But there is still no doubt in my mind that I want to spend the rest of my life w/ this man :)

Even though I was pretty busy w/ the classes, I managed to squeeze in some baking time :) I recently got my "What's Cooking" magazine from Kraft (they send 4 per year) and it contains many yummy recipes. Kathy came home this weekend, flipped through it and convinced me to make a Toblerone Chocolate Cheese Cake. It was SOO yummy... and it turned out really well!! Here's a picture of it (half eaten.. because it was so good! haha):

Jimmy and I also managed to squeeze in some time to check out the progress of our house. Last weekend we didn't see any major changes, however, they had a pile of wood beside our lot:

So I got all exciting, thinking they would have something raised by this weekend. To my disappointment, they did not. But, they covered up our basement, and our neighbour has their first floor put up, so I hope this means ours will be up by next week! I'm so excitied!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Wedding Help!

Here's your chance to help me choose a colour for my wedding! I'm so confused... I was orginally going for a light purple.. but after going dress shopping with my BMs, I really like sage green! I don't know what to do :( I'm so stressed about it! Your suggestions would really help!!


Here are what the colours look like (b/c I've been getting question as to what "Sage Green" is! hahah! These are not the dresses my BMs will be wearing):

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Mom!

Time: 10:23pm
Mood: Happy!
Song of the moment: Foo Fighters - Best of You

Today is my mom's birthday, and as a gift, Jimmy and I took her and my dad out to see a movie. This wasn't planned, it just sort of happened...

I really wanted to see that Borat movie since it came out. The first time I saw the trailer for that movie I laughed through the entire thing! It sounded hilarous! Jimmy and I decided to catch the 7:35pm show at Town Center. But this meant I would have to rush home, eat a lightening-fast dinner, pick up Jimmy, then race to the theatre. While I was at home, I told my mom I was going to watch a movie. She asked me which movie, I told her Borat. She went on to tell me how her coworker found it absolutely hilarous, and she wanted to watch it.

Just based on the trailer, I knew this movie wasn't exactly the type of movie my parents would enjoy... it's not a type of movie you would want to watch with your parents. Definitely not a family movie.

- Are you sure mom? you want to see this movie?
Yes! I'll meet you at the theatre!

Jimmy and I got to the theatre before my parents. Before I bought the tickets, I called my mom, and again I asked her if she was sure she wanted to see the movie.

I admit, the movie was funny, but some parts were just down-right nasty! There was one scene (I'm not going to describe it for the sake of not spoiling the movie - but I know those of you who have seen it probably know what I'm talking about) where, it was funny, however, in watching it with my parents I was absolutely mortified! Needless to say, when we walked out the theatre, my dad proclaimed it was the worst movie he's ever seen ("That wasn't humor! That was just bad taste!"), while my mom said there were parts that were funny, but some parts... *insert head shake here*

Makes for a memorable birthday I guess... :D

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

New Foo's Acoustic Live Album!!

Got it today.. it's AWSOME! It's just like the acoustic concert I went to back in August with Kathy.

Ahh they're so good!! Best of You sounds the best live!