Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Busy Busy Busy

Time: 4:20pm
Mood: Sleepy.. car rides make me sleepy..
Song of the moment: Angels and Airwaves - Start The Machine

I love the fact that I have a laptop.. I can blog anywhere! I'm actually sitting in the back seat of a Ford Fusion on my way back from Detroit. I had to go down for a meeting today. Lucky for me, some of my co-workers had to go down for a meeting also, so I just tagged along for the ride! It's so much better going down when you don't have to do the driving!

A lot has happened in the past week or so.... and mostly wedding related! I went to Katie & Ray's wedding on the 19th and it made me realize just how much more planning I had to do! Their wedding day went great! I'm posting some pictures below :)

I can't believe it... 11 more months to go! eeks that's freaky! I've sort of back tracked in my planning. I'm beginning to second guess my photographer. Actually I've been second guessing her for a while now, but I've put it on the backburner, hoping that this was a feeling that would just work itself out and go away. It's the only vendor I'm second guessing. So this week I finally realize this is defininely not what I want, and after getting council from friends, co-workers and the frugalbride.com message board, I need to find a new photographer pronto. I have several photographer appointments lined up this week. Man they're getting booked up fast! I guess I should be thankful I'm realizing this and doing something about it now than later!

I had such a crazy week last week.. I'm surprised I survived it! I don't know when life got so busy! Monday I had to stay late at work, Tuesday I went to Detroit for a meeting, Wednesday was the Foo Fighters concert (it was their acoustic show.. and by far one of the best concerts I've been to! The Foo's rule!!), Thursday I had a dragonboat practice - I had joined a team Flo's on. Friday I went to see Miami Vice with Jimmy and Flo, which is by far the WORST movie I've ever seen! It felt like it would never end! And there were too many sexy shower scenes! hahha!

Anyway, here are some photos :)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Job Dilemma

Time: 10:48pm
Mood: Confused
Song of the moment: Jessica Simpson - A Public Affair

I guess I need your opinion:

Would you rather have a shit job but work w/ great people, or have a great job but work w/ shit people?


I havn't gotten a job offer.. I havn't even had the interview. My interview is tomorrow morning. I guess we'll see... but if I get the job offer I don't know what to do...

Monday, August 14, 2006

Camping In My Own Room

Time: 7:06pm
Mood: yeah.. I'm totally PMS-ing today...
Song of the moment: Justin Timberlake - SexyBack

I can't get this stupid song out of my head. It's such a horrible song, but I can't get enough of it. I guess it's like watching a train wreck.... horrifying but you have to watch. Damn you friggin' addictive song!

So last night, I'm lying in bed watching Arrested Development episodes on my bed when I look up at the ceiling and I see this wasp in my room. Yes.. a wasp. I freaked! My room is slowly becoming a haven for unwanted buggies. They are all coming in through this hole I have in the wire mesh screen I have covering my window.

The hole is actually a story on it's own. It's been there for 5 years and I've been asking my dad to fix it for the past 5 years. So 5 years ago I wake up to some strange metal knawing noise. I look out my window and I see this squirrel latched on to my wire screen, chewing a hole in it. I didn't want to jump up and scare the sucker fearing it would jump off the window and fall 2 storeys to his death. So I quietly snuck up and just rapped on the window softly. The thing got scared and scurred off (I never knew squirrels could scale brick walls... strange!).

So I still have this hole. The wasp is definitely the last straw. I ran out of my room, completely freaked out and called my dad to kill it for me (haha I'm such a baby!). *sigh* I hope I a new screen soon.. I really feel like I'm camping in my own room :S

I really wanted to write about my long weekend last week but I was just so busy! Friday I headed out to Honest Lawyer for Catherine's birthday. It was awesome because I got to see some people I havn't seen in ages (esp Bryan! I hadn't seen him in years!). Catherine ended up puking.. which signifies a successful b-day celebration! LoL!

On Saturday, I bought my dress!! *yay*!! I brought along Flo, Jenn, my mom and her best friend Rosie to see the dress. I'm so happy I bought my dress!! They ordered it last week.. it should be in sometime in January! It was kewls.. while there I bumped into someone Flo and I went to elementry school with! She was working at the bridal store! We found out she has been married for 2 years and she's several months pregnant! Wow! I always like bumping into people from my past.. just to see how they've changed :) That night I headed out w/ the Taiwan Crew for dinner & drinks b/c Masa's back for a couple of weeks visiting. At dinner I bumped into my Mac friend Alex and his twin Andrew. haha this whole weekend was just about bumping into people!

This weekend was pretty eventful too :) I got to spend some much needed time w/ my sister (she's been home most weekends but we've hardly had a chance to hang out b/c of our busy schedules.. so it was definitely nice!). Her bf bought her a Nintendo DS, so we stayed up 'til 4:30am playing Super Mario Brothers on friday night. Hahah! Hilarous thing was, I didn't even realize Jimmy had gone to bed (I thought he got up to use the bathroom!) and it was only when our mom came into the room and told us what time it was we realized how long we were really playing for! haha!

This week is going to be pretty crazy... I have a job interview Wednesday morning (w/ an old company I did a co-op term w/... it's a research job!! oh wish me luck!), Thursday is Katie (Jimmy's sister) & Ray's wedding rehersal, Friday is when Rita leaves for Turkey and I want to see her off at the airport, and Saturday is Katie & Ray's wedding! Wowza!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Andy Warhol

Time: 6:47pm
Mood: Wired
Song of the moment: Darren Hayes - Feel

First week back from work and I must say.. Thank God It's Friday! LoL! Lucky for me this week went by pretty fast. Things were pretty crazy at work. Maybe that's why it flew! :D And it definitely helps knowing this is a long weekend.. next week is going to be a short week! Hooray for that!!

This past Wednesday Jimmy and I took a trip down to the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) to check out the Andy Warhol exhibit. Rita managed to get me free tickets by filling out a questionare online, and since Wednesday nights at the AGO are free, I didn't have to pay anything to see the pop-art icon's work. I don't think Jimmy and I have ever been to the AGO before (we're not too cultured are we? haha) so it was a nice first for the both of us. I must say, I didn't know too much about Warhol and his work (beside the recognizable multi-print paintings of famous people such as Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, Jackie O and Liz Taylor. But after seeing his work I am definitely a fan. I loved the theme of his work, how he tied fame to tragedy and made them interchangeable. Ideas like this of course has been around long before Warhol, but his ability to express it in the form of art is absolutely remarkable. Jimmy said the funniest thing when we left the exhibit... he said "There really is a fine line between art and porn, huh?" LoL!

I'm planning to buy my dress tomorrow!! I'm so excited!!