Monday, April 09, 2007

Missing In Blogger Action

Time: 7:27pm
Mood: Exhausted (lack of sleep + crazy work day)
Song of the moment: Silversun Pickups - Common Reactor

Ok I've been MIA in terms of blogging, but I feel I have some legitimate reasons:

1) Facebook
This is pure evil in internet form. Log-in page might look plain but don't let that fool you! I signed up one night after Jimmy had left my house, just to see what the buzz was all about. That curiosity turned into a full blown addiction. It's died down, but reconnecting with old friend is, believe it or not, extremely fun! I found people I havn't talked to or seen in ages! I even found this girl that lives on my street that I used to be friends with! It's grea because I will have a chance to see some of these people again at my highschool reunion this coming Saturday :)

2) Nintendo Wii
Flo and I found out they were selling 20 Wii's at Toys R Us 2 Saturday's ago. I had told Flo about my first fail attempt. After hearing that, she managed to convince me to pull an all-nighter to get our hands on the hard-to-get game console. After working a full 9 hours at work, and a failed attempt to take a nap, Flo and I headed over to TRU at 12:30am. We were the first ones there. I felt crazy. LoL! But surprisingly it was alright! Around 1:30am the manager at TRU came out and told us to make a list of people lining up - that way when #21 came along we could just tell them to just go home. By 2:00am there were 7 of us in line. At this point we were all sitting outside, with our lawn chairs and sleeping bags to keep warm. It was a frigid cold night :S This really nice guy in line had brought his DVD player, and we ended up watching "Little Miss Sunshine" out in the cold. Made the time pass by really quickly :) At around 7:00am, the manager came out to hand out purchase tickets - Flo and I were #1 and #2!! hehe! We still had to wait until 9:30am to get our Wii's though... but it was so worth it!

By the time we got our Wii's and got home, we were both up for 28hrs straight. I'm getting too old for this! haha! Oh the Wii's so fun!! I *heart* the Wii!

3) Wedding Invitations
I'm getting ready to send some of them out, so I've been busy writing people's name on the invite. I wanted to handwrite the names, but my handwriting looks like chicken scratch, so block letters it is! I don't care if it doens't look fancy... I would much rather have the guest be able to read their names on the invite! haha :)

*update on the house*
21 more days until it closes :D Here's a picture from the inside! Ahh I love my dark staircase