Friday, September 19, 2008

Childhood Completed

Time: 9:40pm
Mood: Glad It's Friday!
Song of the moment: New Kids On The Block - Single

Last night I got to do something that I had always wanted to do as a kid - go to a New Kids On The Block concert!

I remember being a kid and being so in love with Joey McIntyre. I played their music hours on end on my tape deck, so much so I'm still surprised the tapes still play. If I was obsessing over a song, I would rewind and play the song over and over again, sometimes freaking out when the tape deck "ate" my tape :) I memorized all the lyrics, watched and studied all their music videos. I was obsessed. I remember my parents telling me I was "absolutely not" allowed to go to their concert when they came into town. And I was so heartbroken when they broke up because then I knew I would never be able to see them live again...

Fast forward 15 years - NKOTB is back :D And they were throwing a concert... and they were coming to town!! AND I got tickets!!! :D

The concert was awesome! I went with Flo and we had soooooo much fun! The concert brought back a sense of nostalgia; I felt like a little kid again. Here I was, a grown woman, screaming like a little school girl when the boys hit the stage. They played all my old and new favorites :) I have to say... Joey McIntyre still has the looks :D

The evening ended with quite a surprise. I met up with some of my Mac friends that were at the concert... and we met Jordan and Jonathan Knight's mom! Woah crazy! LoL