Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Well Needed Vacay

Time: 8:48am
Mood: Tired
Song of the moment: Kyle Minogue - All I See

Every so often, usually once a year, I get bitten by the travelling bug. I get this uncontrollable urge to get on plane and leave the country. Last time I did this was in August for my honeymoon, so I figured I wouldn't get the itch until July.. but I was wrong! Around Feb. I knew I had to go on vacation soon. So I went out and booked a trip to Costa Rica. Jimmy and I just got back last week :)

We had a fabulous time! It was a 8 day Eco-tour, where the first half was spent exploring the northern province of Gunacaste, and the second half at an all-inclusive resort. I booked this tour because I wanted a mix of both adventure and beach time - I was in dire need of a tan. We started a the tour in Liberia, but we were quickly wisked into a bus for a 3 hr bumpy car ride to Monteverde - home of the cloud rain forest. There was only 4 of us on the tour, so it was nice. I was expecting 30 ppl. Less ppl meant we wouldn't be herded like cattle :) During our time in Monteverde Jimmy and I did a lot of hiking on nature trails, and we went on a zip-lining tour. We got to zip-line through the rainforest - it was awesome! From Monteverde we headed to the Arenal Volcano - which is the second most active volcano in the world. We got to hike around the base of the volcano, where we got to observe different species of birds, trees and monkeys. Oh yes the monkeys... one decided to have some fun and began to throw poo at us! It didn't hit me... but it hit my tour buddies... how awful! But it makes for a good story :) The last 3 nights were spent at an all-inclusive resort - this was where Jimmy and I concluded we are not resort people! haha! The resort was pretty bland - there really wasn't anything to do there. It consisted of a pool, a restaurant and a bar (notice all those things are singular). The beach wasn't that great either. On the plus side, we had an room with a great view! We stayed in a suite that had a kitchen (that we didn't use), and a deck with a small dipping pool that overlooked the bay. It was gorgeous! So Jimmy and I spent a lot of time hanging out on our deck and just baked in the sun :) I got the tan I was looking for!

After coming back from the vacay I realized it was much needed. I really needed a mental break from work! I'm enjoying a job a little more now - I feel more on top of things and I've been so productive the past couple of day\s. But ask me in a week's time - this will most likely change! LoL :)

Zip-lining through the cloud rainforest:

The town of La Fortuna - Arenal Volcano

The view from our room