Friday, March 20, 2009


Time: 12:33pm
Mood: Happy!
Song of the moment: The Killers - Spaceman

My car hit 80K on my way to Windsor yesterday! Aww it's getting older...

To commemorate this occasion I took a picture :) Taking picture while you're driving - not recommended! LoL

Friday, March 06, 2009

Facebook vs. Twitter

Time: 9:09pm
Mood: Awful (my stomach is upset... again.. blah!)
Song of the moment: Ne Yo - Mad

I've been hearing all the buzz about Twitter and how it's the "in" thing to do in terms of internet social networking. So I thought I would check it out to see what all the hype was about.

I can see that Twitter basically took the most popular thing out of Facebook - updates on what the person is doing. I admit, when I do go on Facebook, I no longer browse through my friend's profiles, or write on their walls. I'm checking up on their status and commenting on them. But I find I still like Facebook better. It is possible that I'm just used to the idea of Facebook, but I still find it fun. Or would it because I simply have more friends using Facebook than Twitter?

I guess I like the idea of having the option of doing more on Facebook. Let me give you an example. Last year, my coworkers are I were engaged in a fighting game which involved vampires, warewolves, zombies and slayers (I'm sure a lot of Facebookers know what I'm talking about). I admit this game was the dumbest game ever but we got so into it. It got really competitive.. and I do mean REALLY competitive. We started forming alliances with each other, even going on message boards to find people to fight us so we could gain more points. But the point of the matter is, this website and it's little games brought us together - it was that fun thing we all did.

Although I'm still enjoy Facebooking every day, I'm going to continue to try out Twitter for the time being. Lets see how long this lasts....