Saturday, November 26, 2005

Farewell Pau Pau

Time: 9:40pm
Mood: Sad beyond belief
Song of the Moment: Darren Hayes - So Beautiful

My Pau Pau passed away today. No words can describe the way I feel right now... I guess for starters.. I feel really sad. I found out this morning she had passed away. But I take solace in knowing she passed peacefully around people she loved. My mom, my aunt and my uncles were by her side when she passed. Although I am filled with so much grief and sadness, I am glad. My mom called me this morning and told me about the last few days of my Pau Pau's life, and I know that God's plan for her was carried out flawlessly. I know in my heart God is taking care of my Pau Pau.

Pau Pau, I just want you to know I love you, and I miss you with all my heart and soul.. and I know one day we will meet again. Rest In Peace.

Friday, November 25, 2005

I'm Employed! Yay!

Time: 3:53pm

Song of the Moment:
Darren Hayes - So Beautiful

I got the job! The one that I was interviewed for last week.. I got it! They called me yesterday to offer me the job! I start monday :D Yay! I can pay my bills :D and afford x'mas gifts! It was funny.. when the HR lady asked me when I wanted to start, I told her Monday, and she said "Are you sure you don't want more time off?" haha! I'm so sick of staying at home I really don't mind starting work on Monday :) Hooray! I really thought it would take me longer to find a job.. I'm really surprised I found a job so soon. I really am lucky :D

Anyway, so I found out yesterday that Darren Hayes has a new single out, which is through the Savage Garden greatest hits album that's not out in North America yet (but it's available in Europe and Asia.. blast! If I only knew.. I would bought it in HK!). I love the song.. ahh Darren .. I love you! haha! :D

Hehe here's my Arrested Development quote of the day (this one's my favorite!):

How do you think I feel? Bob Loblaw’s a handsome, professional man and I’m only used to... well, none of those things.

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over— an analyst and a therapist. The world’s first analrapist.


Tobais: No, no, it’s pronounced a-nal-ra-pist.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Job Hunting

Time: 3:39pm
Mood: Blah
Song of the Moment: Savage Garden - Affirmation (my "feel good" song)

After taking a week off to recovery for the vicious case of jet lag that I had (geez.. the first time I get jet lag and it has to be this extreme). It seriously took me a week to get over it. Now I'm back to my regular routine of sleeping at ungodly hours and waking up just in time for lunch.

I've been keeping to myself since I got back.. I havn't really made the initiative socialize and go out to see my friends. I'm still going through some rough times. I have good days and bad days. Today I guess is a good day even though I'm bored out of my mind. I've finally realized today that there is no way in HELL I can ever be a housewife (take note of that Jimmy!).

My job search.. has been interesting. I started my quest to get myself empolyed last Monday. I'm happy to say I've already had one interview :D I applied to this job early Wednesday morning, they called me late Wednesday morning telling me that I was under qualified for the job I applied for, however they had another position opened that I might be interested in. We scheduled the interview for Thursday (the next day). Right when I got off the phone w/ the HR lady I realized something: I had nothing to wear :S So what did I do? I quickly went to the mall and found myself a nice suit ($400! Oh I hope I find a job soon b/c I donno how I'm gonna pay it off!!). I think the interview went well.. they asked me for my references the day after my interview. Is that good? Geez I have no clue.. that was my first job interview in over 2 years! And I've never really applied for a full-time position before. Haha I guess you can call me a full-time job virgin :P

I had my convocation last Friday. I finally got that piece of paper I have been working for over the past 2 years. What a sigh of relief! The ceremony wasn't too bad.. not as long as my Waterloo one :S But then again there weren't as many graduates!

My mom left today for HK along with my uncle. They were planning to go next week but my Aunt Fanny said that my grandmother isn't doing well and that they should try to hurry back. *sigh* I'm having a hard time grasping the fact that it was only a little more than 2 weeks ago that I saw my grandmother.. how could she have gotten this much worse so fast? It's like she gave up. I had a really bad day the other day when my mom told me that my grandmother was back in the hospital and her health is declining rapidly. :( this.... truely.... sucks.... :(

Monday, November 14, 2005

"No Touching!"

Time: 4:45pm
Mood: half 'n' half (happy/sad)
Song of the moment: The Acarde Fire - Wake Up

I woke up this morning to find that my absolute most favorite show Arrested Development has been cancelled by those stupid dumb FOX Network executives. It's sad because this show is truely the best show in television right now (if not ever!) and not a lot of people have caught on to this hilarous smart comedy about a dysfunctional family. I think the main problem with this show is that you sort of have to watch previous episodes to actually get the jokes (many jokes are either reoccuring jokes or play off other jokes in previous episodes). So first time viewers are most likely not going to give it a second chance. I was just surfing the show's message boards today and one of the posts I came across asked fans to list the top 10 things they love about Arrested Development. Here are mines:

1. Tobais' ambiguously gay remarks ("Even if it means taking a chubby, I will suck it up!" or "I just blue myself" or " Well, Michael, you really are quite the Cupid, aren’t you? I tell you, you can zing your arrow into my buttocks any time" LOL)
2. "No Touching!"
3. Loose Seal = Lucille
4. When G.O.B finishes his magic tricks w/ a "Ta Da!"
5. Bob Loblaw the lawyer (his name cracks me up!)
6. Photo of Tobais' balls being mistaken for pictures of Iraqian terrain
7. Chicken dances
8. MR F
9. Lessons that involve someone loosing an arm
10. Tobias' nude phobia (never-nude)

Ah there are too many to count!! I just bought the Season 2 DVDs and geez.. I can watch these episodes over and over again and not get sick of them! I've already watch the Season 3 episodes 3 or 4 times already! Oh A.D.. I will miss you lots!

I've had quite the productive day. I've called the church to book the wedding but I have to go in and pick up a package first.. so I gotta do that tomorrow. I've applied to 3 jobs so far :S I'm going to search for more and see if I can apply to any more tomorrow, but those 3 are actually jobs I might be able to get.

I've been having a rough time w/ this whole jet lag business. When 8pm hits I'm completely exhausted and sleepy.. to the point where I can't even function (I can't stay awake.. which is odd.. I usually can always stay awake at night). *sigh*

Thursday, November 10, 2005

My Edge Playlist

Looks like Edge liked my playlist... they posted it up on their website :D

My Playlist

The fact that I said I was from HK probably tipped the scales in my favor :D

The Reality of Sadness

Time: 6:56am
Mood: Sad.. and tired (f--k this jetlag!)
Song of the moment: Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot

I havn't updated this in ages I know... but I guess I've been either too busy or too consumed with dealing with life. I'm going through a difficult time right now. The day I got back from China is the day I found out what is really wrong with my pau pau. She has cancer. And there is nothing that me, the doctors or any medical treatments can do. She's already in the later stages. They can't pinpoint the exact location where it began, nor are they even bother going to find out. All I know is, it's invaded her bladder and intestinal tract. This time around it was really hard to leave HK, because in leaving, I had to say goodbye to my pau pau.. and it wasn't a "I'll see you next time I come to HK" goodbye.. it was goodbye, the last time I would probably ever see her alive. It was the hardest thing I had to do. The last time I saw her, her eyes.. the look of sadness. It's like we both knew this was goodbye, both of us were sad but didn't want to show it. Seeing her in that hospital bed, weak and tired... my heart broke. I'm very lucky Jimmy was with me when I found out, and he was there when I said goodbye to my grandmother. He's been my rock through this entire ordeal and I'm so thankful for that. I'm so glad she got to meet him too. She really likes him.. she told me she thinks Jimmy's a great guy.. very polite and sincere. I know she knows I'm going to be taken care of. Before I left, I gave her a hug, and told her to just be happy. The moment I left her hospital room I fell apart.

It was easier saying goodbye to my gung gung, which was strange because he's my world's most favorite person, and I thought it would be hard. But I think it's because my gung gung is scatterbrained and spent the whole night making me laugh (he spent the whole night talking nonsense.. at one point he told my uncle to f-off hahaha). I also gave him a hug before I left.. a hug I regretted not giving him when I left HK the last time I was there.

My mom is having a rough time dealing with it. 2 weeks ago one of her closest friends passed away from ovarian cancer. So it's been rough on my mom. And the fact that a couple of days after she found out her mother had cancer, my dad had to leave for HK to pick up my other grandparents (my grandfather got sick while in HK and my family thought it would be best if my dad came and escorted him home just to make sure he was ok during the flight). So my mom was pretty much alone. I was actually planning to stay in HK longer, but after having a talk w/ my uncle, I thought it would be best to go back home and keep my mom company.

I've never had to deal with this before. And I don't know how to deal w/ it. I guess there's no right or wrong way. I cry about it almost every day at least once. But it's getting better day by day. It helps that my mom's with me to deal w/ it and that Jimmy's there by my side. I feel so unmotivated to do anything right now but I know if my grandmother knew her condition was causing me to be in this state of mind she would be very upset. Plus I'm getting over this jetlag.. which I've believe it or not, never ever experience before :S I never get jetlag.. until now :P

I'm beginning to think this entry is getting a little long winded but I still have to write about my China trip (which was amazing by the way! The tour was excellent and it was partially due to the actual people on my tour.. they were are so great! We all got along so well!). Here are some of the highlights (and some pics!)


  • Walking along The Bund during the day & at night.
  • Taking a gazillion pics of the Pearl TV Tower.
  • Nanjing Rd, the pedestrian street full of stores and restaurants.
  • Being able to walk around and find random cultural experiences. I can't count the number of times I've walked in a park and found a group of people playing chinese instruments or a tai chi group or found a pedestrian street that brought be back into time to the 50's or 60's.
  • Taking a ride to the Pudong area in the Psychadelic Bund Tunnel.. the cheesist tourst trap I've ever been on!

  • The gardens.. althought it was gloomy and rainy (it was on my birthday too!) they were absolutely beautiful.
  • Going to the water town of Zhou Zhuang and getting to ride a boat along the canals
  • Taking an overnight train to Xi'an. It was fun :) Jimmy and I taught Deirdre and Kate to play Euchre.. and Kate just kept buying those huge cheap beers!


  • Renting a two person bicycle with Jimmy and riding around the city wall (took us an hour and a half! What a huge wall!)
  • Visiting the Terricotta Warriors museum.. it was spectacular! Definitely one of the highlights of the trip!
  • The taxi ride to the train station: Natalie, Jimmy and I got into an illegal cab, and the cabbie only took us to the city walls (the train station was outside the city walls). 3 of us were pretty pissed so Natalie said not to pay the cabbie.. plus she was ripping us off anyway. We got out, yelled at her and started to walk away.. she chased ME down, grabbed me and started to yell at me.. she was probably telling me to pay. I was soo scared! But I yanked my hand away, yelled @ her in English and walked away. Freaky...
  • Visiting the Forbidden City and Tianamen Square the morning we got to Beijing. I loved Tianamen Square.
  • Walking the Great Wall of China. It was mindblowing... that wall is massive!
  • Visiting the Summer Palace, then meeting up with Rob afterwards (we almost didn't find him!!)
  • Getting a traditional Chinese massage. Why havn't I gotten a massage before? 5 of us girls went: me, Ciara, Kate, Karen and Natalie; all of us were in the same room so we got to chat. Afterwards my feet were so comfortable.. I felt like I was walking on clouds!
  • Watching Jimmy eat a fried scorpian.. yes a scorpian :S That crazy guy!
  • Eating Peking Duck... soo goooood!
  • Taking a tour of the Hutong area, and getting to play with kids at the local kindergarten.. the kids were absolutely adorable!

For more pics, click here. Just a warning.. there are over 600 pictures!