Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Best Advice

Time: 9:34pm
Mood: Thirsty (mmmm... water...)
Song of the moment: Jimmy Eat World - Futures

I recieved, what I believe, the best advice today: "Just run!". This was referring to what I should do if the band saw I was using happened to malfunction or if the blade broke. But you know.. this little tidbit of advice can actually be applied to various scenarios. Yes, my mind wanders in strange places.

Let me give you a few examples. A bus is coming right at you.. what should you do? Just run (away from the bus). You gotta puke.. what do you do? Just run (towards the bathroom). You're walking to school/work and you realize you are running late.. what to do? Just run. You're wildly out of shape... in fact your grandma can outrun you in a heartbeat.. what should you do? Just run! See! This is a valuable piece of advice! I'm so glad I've passed on this wisdom to you all. In fact, I think it should be a law (like law of physics.. not legalize it): "If in doubt.. RUN!" Fabulous!

You all think I'm a nutcase now :D

1 comment:

Michael said...

Very sagely advice, oh wise one =)