Saturday, October 20, 2007

Excuse Me, What Do You Think You're Doing?

Time: 4:30pm
Mood: Relaxed
Song of the moment: Darren Hayes - Happy Town

I've spent this entire Saturday at home. Not that I'm complaining. I was supposed to go to Diana's convo today in Waterloo, but we were notified last night we were getting our bedroom furniture delivered (did I mention we bought a bedroom set? LoL). So I decided to stay back and wait.

After the delivery guys came, I thought I would get some housewife-like chores out of the way. Suddenly my doorbell rings. Reluctantly, I opened the door, knowing fully well it was a salesperson that was most likely going to be selling me something. And sure enough it was. Some guy was at the door trying to sell me a hydro/gas flat rate. Wow, you know you're a home owner when... LoL. So anyway, I told him I already signed up for a flat rate, and I was not interested. But he wanted me to prove that I already had one and asked if he could see my bill. So to humor him, I grabbed an old bill and showed it to him. He told me there was no indication on my bill that I was on a flat rate, yadda yadda yadda.. then he whips out this form and starts to "sign me up". Woah.... hold on there buddy! So I ask him "Excuse me... what do you think you're doing? Are you signing me up without my consent?" Just because my bill does not show a fixed rate, doesn't mean I'm interested. Then he tries to pull his sales pitch one me, but I'm a smart cookie and I'm not buying it. It just sounded like I was going to end up paying more in the long run. I finally managed to get rid of him, I quickly run upstairs and found my fixed-rate contract I had signed up for when I first moved in. That retard was offering me a higher fixed rate than what I had originally signed up for, AND he was going to just sign me up!

I hate pushy sales people :P If they're pushy, it means it's not a good deal.

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