Saturday, January 13, 2007

A Taste Of Things To Come

Time: 8:38pm
Mood: Happy
Song of the moment: Fatboy Slim - Right Here, Right Now

My parents left for Morocco last night, leaving me behind to take care of the house. Jimmy's planning to stay with me for the next two weeks, so we get to experience how things will be like when we move into our house in 4 months. This is not the first time he's stayed with me for a prolonged peroid of time, so it's not one of those shocking experiences into how your significant other is like when you're around them 24/7 (haha it would be horrible to find out this far into the relationship that the person you will be marrying isn't the type of person you want to live with! LoL!).

My parents have only been gone for about 24hrs and already I've been given a taste of things to come when owning a home. Today Jimmy and I managed to fix a faulty toilet, control a mini-flood in the mud room (the garage water pipe valve is situated in our mud room... I had to turn it on because Jimmy had to hose off my car after we went to visit our lot today, and I forgot to turn it off after he was done. I think the water pressure was too great and it started leaking from the valve in the mud room, thus causing the mini-flood! oops!) and entertain a guest! Jenn came over this afternoon to check out my dress (yes I got it! hooray! Best part is I still absolutely love the dress!!). She ended up staying over for dinner. It was nice to entertain someone in a home that I temporarily own. And it made me realize that this was what it was going to be like when I move into my new home. Make me more excited about it!

Speaking of the home, they got some scaffolding up around our house - which means they're getting ready to brick the house! *yay*!

1 comment:

diana said...

hey ~ so that's where my brother has been. haven't seen him for a while :) keep posting! i like to read them.