Thursday, December 08, 2005

...30 More Years of THIS?!?!

Time: 6:30pm
Mood: Exhausted
Song of the moment: Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're Going Down

I havn't had too much time to blog because I've been just exhausted every day from working. I started work last Monday and already the work is starting to pile. I'm already having people fight for my time :S It's been ok working but the hardest part was trying to get into this routine. I'm so used to waking up whenever I want.. and unlike school, if I don't feel like coming in to work I'm sure to get fired! haha! Ah I miss school...

As I mentioned before, work has been ok. So far everyone I work with are very friendly. My office is an open concept so it can get a bit noisy sometimes (what bugs me the most is those ppl that HAVE TO listen to their voicemail msgs on speaker phone. It's like "Thanx buddy!" lol), but I like it. But I do feel like a co-op student. Why? First off.. I don't even have a proper desk! Even the co-op student, who sits beside me has a proper desk. All I have is a table... and a crappy computer that sits on my desk and takes up room. Luckily I don't use that computer, however, I am using a lender laptop until my new one comes in. And this thing is chunky.. and a bit slow. File folders and binders are starting to pile up on my desk. It's so hard to get organized (and my job requires me to be organized! eeks!). I hope my desk and the laptop comes soon...

I do get stressed sometimes though. I know they don't expect me to know everything related to my job, but they talk to me as if I should know. And that kind of freaks me out. The learning curve is definitely steep :S But in all honesty, this is not really what I want to do with my life. I'm a validation engineer, but I want to be an R&D engineer. I work with already manufactured plastic parts... I want to work with producing plastic parts. *sigh* The problem is I just started this job... and quite frankly I need the money. I feel I kind of jumped the gun when I took this job. Well.. another 30 years of working right? I'm sure I'll probably end up where I want to be (hopefully!)

The good thing about working, of course, is getting paid! I got my first pay cheque yesterday. And I think I already shopped most of it away on the weekend. Oops :S Hey it was for x'mas gifts.. sorta. That's not a bold face lie.. it's just the partial truth. Actually I spent most of the money on myself. I bought myself new dress pants (cuz I need to dress business casual @ work), a new pair of shoes w/ a lower heel cuz shit.. driving in 3" heels is NO FUN! I was having so much fun shopping!

Hey, am I the only one that thinks x'mas music is annoying? For some reason, I only enjoy x'mas music maybe a week before x'mas day. Oh wait.. I should be calling it "holiday" music (to be politically correct...)? Anyway, it bugs the crap outta me sometimes. 3 weeks ago I went shopping @ Markville mall during the day (when everyone was at work) and the mall was kinda empty, and they were playing x'mas music in the mall.. I swear to God I felt like I was in a Tim Burton movie (like Edward Scissorhands or something). So eerie! The worst song of all is that x'mas song by The Beatles... "simply haaaaving a wonderful christmas time" ugh what a horrible song *shiver*. haha now it's in your head now :D Enjoy!

TGIF tomorrow!


Tempest7 said...

Too late! it is Friday now!

I ran across this little article and though of you immediately.

Work hard Kare Bear. You have a wedding to put together. I can't believe you found a pair of shoes you like. How many pairs of shoes did we look at?

Tempest7 said...

Hmm that didn't link very well. Click here.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kare, X'mas music does suck INDEED! When I worked at the clinic it played all day long. Ewwww, you've got that song in my head now "simply having a wonderful Christmas time..."

I feel for you with the work situation. Remember I'm the contract worker who's been expected to work like she was f/t despite not even having a concrete answer whether I will be made f/t or NOT!! SUCKS TO BE ME!!!!!!!!!!!11111 pwnd

Lian said...

Hey Hey!!! So, in the working world now, eh!! Ahahahahahah.... Welcome babe! Don't let it get to you so fast, you've got another 29 years and 10 plus months to go... *grins evilly*

Ah.. X'mas... I haven't gone shopping yet, still checking what bro wants, already have Mum's & Dad's requests..., but not gone shopping yet... Probably next week, since I've got to clear my leave as well.

My laptop's gone bonkers today! The CD player's making a funny "whirring" sound... Damn! Don't think the company will change it yet... My company's 'El Cheapo'!! Ahahahahahha!!