Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I Finally Get To Relax!

Time: 9:00pm
Mood: Brain-dead.. but happy!
Song of the moment: Sloan - Try To Make It

My brain has turned to Jello... I can feel it jiggling around. After 2 crazy days of fixing up my thesis, it's finally done and ready for print & binding. I can finally start getting excited about my trip!

Well I'm stuck in Hamilton right now. I had hoped to get my thesis ready for binding today but after starting a meeting w/ my supervisor (he had to look over my corrections to make sure they were alright) I realized it just wasn't going to happen. I had minor changes still left to do AND I had to run around and get a bunch of signatures for my "department check-out" form. They just wanted to make sure I cleaned up my lab, desk and returned all equipment before I left. I still have to print out my thesis and get it bound, which I'll do tomorrow. I'm just crashing @ Kathy's tonite.. and I just realized I forgot a toothbrush.. and a pillow... aw man!

I found out today Jimmy's able to join me for HK and China! I'm super excited about that.. and I feel a bit better about travelling to China. I wasn't too keen on doing the tour on my own even though I was in a tour group.. it's just always better when you have someone with you that can look out for ya. So yeah.. really excited about him meeting my relatives in HK. They're gonna love him.. I know it! He's such a likeable guy (just the other night, when I was out w/ my Mac buddies Jen tells him that out of all the boyfriends her friends have, she liked him the best! hehe).

Oh! so last week I went downtown to pick up my package from the travel agent, then I walked over to UofT to wait for Jimmy so that we could take the subway back up together. UofT was having their frosh week, so all these froshies (first year university students) were roaming around the street cheering. So anyway, I dropped by Jimmy's office, dropped off my bag and went back out to get a hot dog. While walking towards the hot dog stand, I heard music. I knew that Sloan was going to play a concert for the froshies but I thought it was at night. But as I listened to the music, I thought to myself "Wow! that sounds an awful lot like Sloan!" So I followed the ears to the source of music and lo and behold.. SLOAN!! Of course I stayed to watch! Ohh they're so good :D They have such a Canadian sound to them.. I love that! hehe! Man did I feel lucky that day.. stumbling across a concert by one of ur fav bands.. haha :D Awesome!

1 comment:

Lian said...

Hey!!! That's great that Jimmy's able to go to... Yeah!!! Happy for you guys. I hope your trip is great and all... have loads of fun and come back with lots of pics and stories, ok? Btw, I've changed my blogspot name... *winks*