Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Time: 11:47pm
Mood: Excited (4 more days!)
Song of the moment: Stars - Ageless Beauty

4 more days! 4 more days! I'm super excited about my upcoming trip to the city that never sleeps, the Big Apple.. New York City! Talking about it to friends and chatting it up with Jimmy's cousin has got me super excited! I can hardly wait! Just 4 more days.. it's gonna be a long 4 days though! Jimmy has come up with an itinerary... so much to do and see! And on top of that I'll be meeting future members of my extended family.. all his aunts, uncles and cousins that live there. It's gonna be a busy weekend (June has already warned me to wear comfortable shoes! haha).

This past weekend was pretty laid back for me. I watched "Unleashed" on Friday w/ Jimmy, Flo and Kin. I wasn't too big on watching the movie.. didn't appeal to me too much. But after watching it, I must say.. pretty good movie! And Jet Li actually said more than 2 words in this movie! hahaa! The fight scenes were awesome! Afterwards we went back to Jimmy's house and played poker :) We stopped playing after Flo and I won all the guys money (yea girls! haha). The next morning I had dragonboat practice. Last week I didn't paddle cuz of my strained hand. My hand is still a bit strained but I said f**k it.. I want to paddle! haha! It felt so good to paddle again :) It was a crazy practice but I had a good time :) My back was so sore yesterday!

So I'm back in the Hammer now... first time in 2 weeks. It feels strange. I'm so pissed.. I was driving back to Hamilton last night and a rock hits my windshield.. so now I got a little chip on it :( Bugger! I gotta get that fixed :S I saw Laura and Marta today.. havn't seen them in 3 weeks because they left for Florida for a conference a week before I headed back to the T-dot. We decided to go for a late coffee break at an on-campus Timmies but the first one we went to had stale donuts and the other ones were closed :( Sucky! Least we got some exercise! I spent most of my day in the lab, tying up loose ends with my results. Hopefully I won't have to go back now :S Haha today I even played badminton in my office! We have several raquets in our office.. 2 of which are mines (I have a squash and badminton raquet, Shiping and Xiaonan have badminton raquets, Hector used to have 2 tennis raquet ... I even have a dragonboat paddle in my office too!) Normally we usually "sword fight" with the raquets, but today Hector and I found a badminton birdie on Xiaonan's desk so we played. It was a really bad game though.. stupid low ceilings! haha. I love the people in my office.. they're so much fun. We do stuff like this all the time... sucks that Hector might be leaving us soon for a job :(

Oh.. now it's 3 more days til NYC :D yippie! :D

1 comment:

Lian said...

Hey... i've been pretty bust at work, so by the time you read this, you're prolly be in ny and all.. hope you're having a wonderful time...