Friday, March 04, 2005

Home Alone

Time: 8:17pm
Mood: Bored
Song of the moment: Samantha Ronson - Built This Way

Friday night and I'm home alone. It's my fault actually.. I didn't really make any plans to go out. I wanted to get some work done before Jimmy came here for the weekend. Yeah, this weekend I'm in the Hammer.

This afternoon, I got into a writing mood. For those who don't know what writing mood means to me, it means I'm in the mood to write part of my thesis. These moments are quite rare. My biggest concern was the fact that I was at school, and I NEVER do any writing at school (I don't know why...). So I knew I had to quickly race home before this mood went away. Time was definitely not on my side. I had to wait about 10 minutes for the bus, and when I got home I realized that I was quite the hungry critter. By the time I actually I sat down, ready to write, it was about an hour and a half after I got into the mood, and it was diminishing at an exponential rate.

So what have I got down so far? Well I realized the prior stuff I wrote was a little to indepth, so I had to cut it down. Out of the 5 Word document pages I wrote, I was left with only 0.5 pages I could use. I wrote another 0.5 so I currently have 1 full Word document page (which, I would imagine is about 2 thesis pages) of work. I spent most of my afternoon procrastinating. I even mopped my kitchen floor for frigg sake. On paper, I feel as though I've degressed, but I'm more organized on what I'm going to write. I just have to write. That's the hard part.

1 comment:

Lian said...

I know what you mean.. can't seem to start my work even though i brought it home... btw, congrats on your engagement!