Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hubert & Elizabeth's Wedding

Time: 12:35am

Song of the moment:
Backstreet Boys - Just Want You To Know

Saturday was the big day for Hubert and Elizabeth.. they got married! I had told Elizabeth I was willing to help out on her wedding day b/c I figured since Jimmy was a groomsmen, I wouldn't be doing much during the day anyway. Boy it was an eye opener! I realized really how much went into a wedding! But I also took some mental notes on what I wanted for my wedding :D

I arrived at the church before the bridal party arrived. I was helping out with the reception table where I was recieving the gifts and getting them to sign this huge framed portrait of the bride and groom. When the bridal party arrived, I got the first glimpse of my Jimmy in a tux.. oh he looked so handsome :D *giggle* I was definitely all smiles after seeing him :D hehe! The ceremony was sweet. Hubert cried when Elizabeth was walking down the aisle (I didn't get to see this.. I was fixing Elizabeth's dress before she walked down so I didn't catch ne of it.. I saw it in a video they played later at the banquet). Awww :D I don't think Jimmy's gonna cry when I walk down the aisle. He's too much of a manly man to do that! haha! But we'll see.. :D Kin predicts he's gonna tear *lol*.

After the ceremony, a whole whack of pictures were taken, then the bridal party was off to take pictures downtown. I stayed behind to clean up, then I headed home for some R&R, and to get ready for the banquet that night. Again I showed up at the restaurant early to help with the reception table. My goodness they had so many ppl @ the banquet.. there was around 360 ppl there or something! Jimmy and I both agreed.. our wedding is not gonna be that big! haha! After seeing how much goes into a wedding Jimmy and I concidered just going to Vegas or buying one of those wedding getaway packages.. makes it so much easier! LOL! We're both so lazy! haha!

The banquet was a lot of fun! For those who don't know much about Chinese banquets, we tend to play a lot of games.. some of which are kinda peverted. But it's the only time you can get away with it. I think the worst one I've seen is the bride had to push an egg up the grooms pant leg.. up one pant leg and out the other without using her hands! Anyway, Hubert and Elizabeth's banquet games were kept clean! haha! Jimmy and I got called up to do a few games. The first one was this mirror game.. where the bride and groom had to copy whatever the couple in front of them were doing. When we got up there, Jimmy askes Hubert "How bad do you want it?" haha! Then Jimmy pulled me into a kiss and dipped me! It completely threw me off guard.. I had no idea he was gonna do that! haha! After dinner was the dance. The guys acted like complete idoits (as expected). What surprised me was Allan.. one of Jimmy and Hubert's hockey buddies. I swear I saw the side of him I've never seen before.. absolutely hilarous! hahaha! Hubert got totally trashed on wine.. his best man did too.. started to cry haha! Weddings really bring out the best in ppl :) I guess through the whole fiasco I made some new friends and I had an awesome time :D

I'm not looking forward to planning my wedding :S

12 more days til my defense. I'm not feeling it quite yet... I havn't done much planning yet. I think I spent more time thinking about my wedding & planning my upcoming trip :D

Speaking of my trip.. I've inquired about my tickets and tour.. and I'm booking everything tomorrow! I'm leaving on Sept 16th for Korea to visit Rita.. heading to HK on Sept 25th.. my china tour on Oct 25th, back to HK Nov 5 and heading back to Toronto Nov 7th. Wow I'm gonna be gone for a while! The sucky thing is that Jimmy found out last week he can't book time off :( I'm so upset over that :( oh well.. shit happens right? His department is doing some restructuring right now, and they're short a person. We agreed that if later on he finds out he can get time off, he could just come to HK cuz I really want him to meet my relatives.. and I'm sure my relatives want to meet him. *crosses fingers* I hope he comes.. a month and a half w/o my Jimmy? eeks!

Here's really bad pic of my tattoo. Hey.. it's a webcam.. my tattoo is on my lower back and w/ poor lighting... it's tough!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Time to get my lazy ass into gear & BLOG!

Time: 2:26pm

Song of the Moment: Oasis - Roll With It

As you can see, I've really been lagging on this whole blogging business. I have to admit, I've been lazy. Ever since I submitted my thesis it's been lazying around and hanging out. I had plenty of time to blog.. but I just didn't. I've just got so much to write about.. you can pick and choose what you wanna read about :D

Foo Fighters Concert
Dude.. by far one of the best concerts I've ever been to. I actually enjoyed their concert more than the Coldplay concert... but I think I'm slightly bias in the sense that I'm a bigger Foo Fighters fan than a Coldplay fan. I took a fellow Foo fan w/ me.. my sister Kathy. First off, I wasn't really intersted in going to the opening acts? Why? They're usually not that good ('cept for when Sloan opened for Oasis.. now THAT was awesome!). Kathy was dead set on catching the opening act. She told me she had no idea who the opening act was (which was a bloody LIE.. more about that in a bit..). So we got down to the Molson Ampitheatre, and before we took our seats we checked out the merchandise stands. I did a double take. Not only did they have Foo Fighter stuff on sale.. they also had Sloan stuff on sale. Ahh :D Sloan was opening for the Foos! That's when my sister said "Surprise! Actually I forgot who was opening for them, but I knew it was a band you really really liked" hehe :D Awesome! Actually they had 2 opening bands.. The Constantines (they were... ok...) and then Sloan came out! Ah they're always great to watch! Then the Foos came out w/ a vengance. Oh I was in heaven.. they sang "Up In Arms".. my favorite Foo Fighters song! It was definitely a rockin concert! Would I see them again? Hell yeh!! haha :D

Wedding Dresses
Before Rita left, she told me she wanted to take me dress shopping. I guess it's never too early to start looking :D Anyway, so we booked an appointment at this small little boutique in Main St. Markham called Patricia. Let me tell ya.. it was SO much fun! I thought looking for a wedding dress would be frustrating but I had a lot of fun! I tried on a whole bunch...the one in the picture was pure silk... it looked like a cake! And man are they heavy! The ones w/ the long trains.. it was like dragging a child around! haha! But man I can't wait to go again!!!

I finally submitted my thesis on Thursday. After months of hard work and grueling hours in front of the computer straining my brain to find the right way to fit all my experimental data into one neat semi-organized thesis, it's done. The day before was nuts... I couldn't get my glossary to work (I was using a program to format my thesis).. but it worked out in the end. All I have to say is... FIN! haha :D But I still have the defense to go... Sept 12 :S

Jehnan's Visit
My friend Jehnan, along with his friends Claire and Emma, came up to Toronto for a mini-vacation on Thursday. Jehnan came up from Toledo, Ohio where he's studying medicine. Emma and Claire were from Terre Haute, Indiana. It's funnie... Jehnan and I have managed to see each other almost every single year since our Taiwan "Loveboat" study tour! Anyway, their visit was in pefect timing considering it was the day I submitted! They met me in Hamilton and I took them out for dinner. Then we headed into the T-dot and went out for bubble tea. So it was a pretty laid back day.

Friday was the major tourist day :D It was also the day that Toronto got it's first tornado warning since.. I don't even know when! I mean tornados do happen around here.. just not in Toronto. Anyway, we spent the whole day downtown. The day started pretty good.. took them down to UofT and met up with Jimmy for lunch. We had downtown hotdogs.. a must have when you're visiting Toronto! haha! So good! By this time, the sky was getting pretty dark, but that didn't stop us. I walked them to Chinatown, then took a street car to the CN Tower. By the time we got to the CN Tower the sky was just dark.. there was thunder and lightening right above us but still no rain. We went up the tower and I pointed out some landmarks.. went to the glass floor (Emma got scared! hahaha!). After that I took them down to Yorkville were we met up with Jimmy. While in Yorkville we got a bit of rain.. not too much though. After walking around and showing them where all the rich ppl shop, I took them to Eaton Center, where we did some more shopping. We met up with Rob later on, and he told us how bad the rain storm was in Markham. Apparently it was just HORRIBLE.. our highways flooded.. roads got ruined... crazy! Rob described it was "Typhoon-type rain". I guess we were really lucky cuz we hardly felt rain the whole day! Loverly! haha! Later that evening, Rob left to meet up with some other friends, and we met up with Vivvie for dinner. We took them to Springrolls, a popular Pan-American restaurant. I love their Pad Thai :D

Saturday I took them to Pacific Mall and Market Village.. I guess it's a must if you're Chinese. haha to me it's like a freak show (who wants to play "guy-girl".. the game where u guess whether someone's a guy or a girl.. hahah!). After the over-exposure of Chinese pop-culture, I took them out for sushi buffet :D yum! We hit the CNE later that day. We were gonna go on the ferris wheel but shit! it was $6 to go on! haha no THANKS! Later that evening, we headed to Main St. Unionville to Jake's for Rob's farewell party. Rob's planning to study Chinese in Beijing.. he left just this past Monday. *Sigh*.. Taiwain crew... and then there were 4 :(

Sunday we went out for dim sum.. just so they can get their last bit of Chinese exposure before they head back to the States. They said they had fun.. I'm so glad! haha! I'm always up for showing ppl around good 'ole T.O :D See you next year sometime Jehnan! haha! Some pics below :D

Jehnan's doomed hotdog

Me and Emma on the glass floor @ the CN Tower (Emma looks scared... the picture doesn't show how tightly she's holding my arm! haha

Vivian, Jimmy, Me, Emma, Claire & Jehnan @ Springrolls

Claire, Emma, Me and Jehnan @ the CNE

Rob & Jehnan @ Jake's

Jimmy getting a big 'ole wet drunken kiss.. by me :D hahah

Vivian, Me, Jack, Vince (what's left of the Taiwan Crew...) & Jehnan. Rob's missing due to excessive puking ... he had to go home! (he got so drunk that nite!)

Retard Doctor

Just a funnie story I wanted to share w/ u guys. So I went to the doctor about a week ago because I was suffering from a nagging cough that just wouldn't go away (I still have it... but I'm getting better). My family doctor shares a practice with 2 other doctors. But when I called, my doctor was on vacation, so I opted with an appointment with Dr. Chan. I have been to him before and he's a bit sketchy.. but hell I was sick and I wasn't getting any better. I went to my appointment on a Saturday morning and waited what felt like an eternity. I hate waiting for the doctors.. there's never enough seats and you're in a room with sick ppl :S So I finally get in to see the doctor. I tell him what's wrong w/ me. He feels my neck for any possible signs of inflammated nymph nodes.. his fingers get to the bottom-back of my neck and he says "Oh.. you have a lump" I'm like "Excuse me?" Cuz I know for a fact what he's feelig isn't a lump. He says again "You have a lump.... oh wait sorry that's your spine" HAHAHAHA this is a DOCTOR that's mistakening my spine for a LUMP! HAHAHAH

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Thesis = DONE!

Time: 12:20am
Mood: Exhausted
Song of the moment: The All American Rejects - Dirty Little Secret

AHHH I FINALLY finished my thesis! I'm formally submitting it tomorrow!

Gosh I'm so braindead... this is all I'm gonna write (must be my shortest entry yet!)

Friday, August 12, 2005

You Know You're From Toronto When...

You Know You're From Toronto When...

A really great parking spot can move you to tears.

You can recommend about 3 good body piercing parlours.

You make well over $100,000 and you still can't find a nice place to live.

You realize there are far more rainbow flags in the city than Canadian Flags.

When the temperature rises above zero degrees, you yell "Woohooo! Patio weather!"

You enjoy watching channel 47 multicultural TV

You're guaranteed to know at least one person on every episode of Speaker's Corner.

You haven't been to the CN Tower since you were six, but still have nightmares about that damn turbo elevator.

You've had at least 3 bicycles stolen in the past 10 years.

You've partied with at least one of the members of The Kids in the Hall

You've fantasized about having sex in Casa Loma

At least 3 of your friends have moved to Vancouver

You turn your nose up at any establishment frequented by the S&M crowd. (Scarborough and Mississauga)

You never, never, never swim in the lake

You know "The Beaches" are really called "The Beach", but still say "The Beaches" just to annoy all the nitwits who live there

You ever had a birthday party at the Organ Grinder or The Mad Hatter

You can say "world's tallest freestanding structure" ten times fast

You know the correct answer to "Where do shopping carts go to die?" is "The Don River"

You speak better Chinese than French

The word "cabbagetown" doesn't strike you as particularily amusing

Castle Frank subway station remains one of the great mysteries of the universe for you.

You know what the bathrooms in the First Canadian Place are REALLY for

You don't know where Fort York is, but have a vague recollection of being there in a past life

You know the Demic's song "I Wanna Go To New York City" was intended as sarcasm, not a weekend getaway suggestion

You know where to find Dim Sum, Sushi, Curry, Pad Thai and a dildo at 3 am on a weeknight

For the last time, it's pronounced 'TRONNA'!

You consider eye contact a sign of hostility and an invasion of your privacy.

It takes you half an hour to get to work by TTC and you are the envy of all your friends.

You mourned the death of the Spadina Bus.

You know someone who went to high school with at least one member of The Barenaked Ladies or RUSH

You laugh heartily at people who refer to highway four hundred and one.

You've taken the vomit comit.

You can manuver your bike across Queen st. without getting caught in the streetcar tracks.

You know the difference between souvlaki, moussaka and spanakoptia.

You can name at least three locations of The Beer Store that are open till 11 PM.

You have NEVER been to the Hard Rock Cafe

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Toronto.

HAHA It's scary how most of this stuff on the list is true... hooray Torontonians :D

Thanx Summer for the link to this website :D it's fun :D

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Time: 4:12pm
Mood: Sick :(
Song of the moment: Bon Jovi - Bad Medicine

So I've been asked why I got a cross tattoo. Initially I was gonna get last name chinese character tattooed on me. I liked this idea because it really truely represented me... it's my family name and it's chinese :D But then one night after having an ice-cap from Timmies, I couldn't sleep and my mind started swimming with the thoughts of getting a tattoo. Then suddenly a cross appeared in my mind.. and I really liked it. The next day, I drew it out and I loved it! I figured (and this will give you a taste of my twisted logic), Cross = Jesus.. I can't hate Jesus, meaning I can't hate the cross, therefore I wouldn't hate it if it was tattooed on me. LOL see.. I'm just downright strange :S

So the day I got my tattoo I drummed up the courage to tell my parents. I figured I would tell them after I get it done b/c well.. they can't do ne thing about it after the fact! I was actually considering just letting them find out on their own (personally, I think they would have never found out). I actually consulted my Aunt Virginia (Rita's mom.. for those who don't know, Rita's my best friend AND my cousin) about this. She found out because she overheard Rita talking on the phone with me about it (after getting mutilated together *haha* Rita and I picked up my aunt to go to Pacific Mall to run errands, and as my aunt got in my car she says to me "so.. I heard u got a tattoo!") Anyway, so my aunt told me to tell my parents as soon as possible. *eeks*

So my mom gets home from work around 5pm. I had this feeling she was gonna completely freak out on me, so I was prepared. So I told my mom straight out I got a tattoo. I was expecting her to go "HAH???" in that chinese motherly "I'm in disbelief" kinda voice, but instead she says to me "Tattoo? You've probably got AIDS now!!". HAHAH that comment made me laugh so hard! hahaha So not what I was expecting my mom to say. hahahah!

*side story*

Jimmy and I went to play snooker w/ Flo and Kin Saturday night. As we were backing out of our parking spot, this fob guy pulled up beside the parking space.. he wanted our spot. So Jimmy finishes backing out, but that stupid retard fob loser didn't give us enough room to drive forward and leave. So Jimmy backs up a bit to give himself more room and the idoit moves forward. So finally Jimmy gets enough room to move, and as we're driving by, I looked right at the idoit driver and mouthed "Are You Stupid?!?". He responded by yelling "WUDDAFUAAAA!!" out the window. At first I was like.. what did he say? what the hell is wuddafuaaa? Then I realized.. the retard was saying "What the fuck" HAHHAH stupid fob!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Officially Inked

Time: 12:33am
Mood: kinda sick.. :(
Song of the moment: Coldplay - Fix You

So I'm officially inked!! I finally got the tattoo I've been wanting for so long! I thought about getting one for a while now and I finally built up the courage to go get one. But it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be...

I actually was supposed to get it 2 weeks ago in Hamilton. Laura was gonna come with me but the day we were supposed to go she asked me if I knew the reputation of any of the tattoo places in Hamilton. She told me it was better to get one done at a place that had a good rep (preferably where my friends got theirs). So we decided to get it the day of the Coldplay concert.

I decided to go to WayCoolTattoos, the place where Mel got her tattoos done.. she told me they were pretty good. I checked out their website and thought it was a pretty kewls place.

The day of the Coldplay concert.. by this time I've managed to recruit Jenn and Rita to come with me (Rita wanted to get her nose pierced). But plans totally fell apart. First off, Jenn said she couldn't make it, then when I called the tattoo place they told me I had to come into the parlour and book an appointment, and that that day was completely booked. AGH! At this point I was pretty frustrated and unsure whether a tattoo was worth all this trouble. Anyway, so Laura was coming into T.O early that day and was gonna take the subway up and meet me @ the tattoo place... so when she called I had to tell her the bad news.. I wasn't gonna get it that day. So there was no point in her coming all the way uptown, then going back downtown for the concert. So I went w/ Ri to book an appointment. So I booked an appointment for Friday afternoon.

Finally Friday rolls along and I finally get my tattoo :D It kinda hurt.. but it was tolerable pain. And it only took 10 minutes (mine's pretty small... actually I was watching the new reality tv series on TLC called Miami Ink and the tattoos ppl were getting on that show made mines look tiny! There were ppl on that show getting body tattoos.. omg! haha!). Rita got her nose pierced that day too.. it looked fab :D haha! But anyway, my tattoo artist Jen was the nicest person ever! When I looked @ her pic on the website I thought "omg she looks scary!" but she was so down to earth and made me feel comfortable about getting a tattoo.

Throughout the day I began to regret my tattoo.. and I couldn't even look at it b/c it was bandaged. But when I took off that bandaid and got a good look at it again.. I loved it! I'm so glad I did it :D

For those of u wondering.. I got a cross... and it's on my right lower back :D Pictures to come.. after it heals a bit more :D

So that night Jenn and I headed to Hamilton for some girls night out action. We started the night @ Jen's place (as usual) and I got pretty drunk there. We headed to Koi that evening, which was a lot of fun on a Friday night :D We spend the rest of the evening dancing it up, playing "boy bingo" (we were each given cards w/ guy names, and we had to run around and find guys w/ that name) and just having fun :D Ah I love girls nites :D

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Coldplay was AWESOME!

Time: 4:41pm
Mood: going nuts (still writing..)
Song of the moment: Coldplay - Fix You

I went to the Coldplay concert yesterday and it was bloody AWESOME! It felt really short though.. maybe it's cuz I had such a good time! You know when it's a good concert when you walk out a bigger fan of the band than you were before. Their concert was like a light show, but the lights complemented the songs sooooo well! Chris Martin actually screwed up "Fix You".. so during the song he stopped and said "Oh I fucked up!" haha! Then he started the song over. Haha usually artists wouldn't admit to sing a song wrong.. they would try to continue as if nothing was wrong.. good to see he actually cared :D! haha! I was freaking out though.. after their set was finished, I realized they didn't play "In My Place" yet.. my favorite song. I LOVE that song.. I was obsessed over it.. if there was a song I could marry, it would be that one! But then they came back for an encore (which was expected) and they played it during their encore set :D I was in heaven :D haha!

So yesterday there was this plane crash between the 401 and the airport which made world headlines. I didn't hear about it until I got downtown and Laura told me about it. At first I thought it actually crashed on the highway. I thought "That's f**king crazy!!" I know that highway like the back of my hand.. I used to drive though that area on my way to and from Waterloo. Then I found out it actually crashed into the ditch, and that no one was hurt and I was totally relieved. Apparently the pilot overshot the landing :S That's crazy.. and SO scary!

So I moved back home from Hamtown on Saturday. I figure, I spend most of my time @ home writing ne way, and I don't go to school that often, so I might was well save $ on rent and move back home to Markham (I hope that answers ur question Summer! haha). That's an extra $325 I can spend :D yippee! haha! Jimmy came down to help me move.. and thank God he did! He helped me pack my car :) Lucky for me I moved a few things back last week (including my desktop computer) cuz my car was packed to the rim! It took me 2 hours to move stuff to my car.. but it's gonna take 2 weeks for me to fully unpack (I'm still doing it.. my room is a MESS!!). *sigh* it's so hard combining 2 sets of everything into one :(

Sunday night I met up with Rob, Jack, Vivvie and Vince to celebrate Rob's birthday. Man I havn't seen them since... before I got engaged! haha! It's been a while! We went to this french restaurant for dinner called Le Select Bistro, a cozy restaurant on Queen St. The restaurant had a nifty idea of hanging bread baskets above the table so that it wouldn't clutter the table, and you could lower the basket when you wanted bread. After dinner we headed back to Jack's placed and watched a really ghetto old chinese slapstick kung-fu movie made in the '70s.. OMG it was hilarous! So much cheese! haha :D